Blog: Cat Services


Intestinal parasites are a common problem in cats. Worms can be contracted by your cat at various stages of their lives, starting in utero from the dam, then through the environment via fecal contamination or hunting. Intestinal worms can have significant effects on your pet’s health, but can also be...

Senior Cat Care

Senior cats are your affectionate, long time companions that have won your heart over! Over the years, you have learned their ins and outs and what makes them unique. In turn, they know how to make you smile. Although cats can age differently depending on breed, activity level and diet,...

Flea and Tick Control

Fleas on Vancouver Island is what mosquitos are to Manitoba! Summer through fall can be a time for fleas to flourish in our environment. Unlike other areas of Canada, our mild coastal weather make fleas a problem all year round with the worst season stretching from April to November. Unfortunately,...

Fecal Exam

Fecals are fun! Fecals can be a part of your cat’s annual exam and are a great diagnostic tool for detecting GI tract concerns, intestinal parasites or protozoans such as giardia (‘beaver fever”). Fecals also assist in assessing intestinal bacterial growth. Your veterinarian will often recommend a fecal analysis if...