Blog: Cat Services

Blood Testing

At Van Isle Veterinary Hospital, we offer a wide range of on-site blood tests and laboratory services such as urinalysis, fecal exams, ear/skin cytology and fungassays. By having our own in-house laboratory, we do not have to rely on samples making it to the mainland in a timely manner and...

X-Ray and Ultrasound

At Van Isle Veterinary Hospital, we are pleased to offer multiple imaging and diagnostic services such as ultrasound, endoscopy and digital x-ray. Our digital x-ray is one of our most used and relied upon diagnostic tools. There are multiple advantages to digital x-ray such as their efficiency and reduced time...

Overweight Cat Help

Everyday you make choices for your cat regarding nutrition, environmental enrichment and well-being. These choices can affect your cat's body weight and play an important role in your cat's life expectancy and overall health. All too often, your cat's weight gain can sneak up on you. For this reason, it...

Cat Grooming

Due to the different temperaments of cats, grooming without some form of sedation is not always possible. In these cases, your groomer may suggest going to see your veterinarian. Van Isle Veterinary Hospital can provide assistance with your feline's grooming needs. Cats are typically admitted for half the day, sedated...