Blog: Services

Anal Gland Expression

For some dogs, anal gland infections or impactions can be a common occurrence. All dogs have anal glands which can also be referred to as "anal sacs" which are two small sacs located on either side of the anus. These sacs naturally empty during your dog's regular bowel movement and...

Heartworm Test

Living on Vancouver Island comes with many perks, one of those perks is not having to worry about heartworm infestations without pets. That being said, there are still areas within BC where heartworm is prevalent. You should always discuss heartworm with your veterinarian if travelling with your pet; especially if...

Fleas and Ticks

Fleas on Vancouver Island is what mosquitos are to Manitoba! Summer through fall can be a time for fleas to flourish in our environment. Unlike other areas of Canada, our mild coastal weather makes fleas a problem all year round with the worst season stretching from April to November. Did...

Nail Trimming for Dogs

Although nail trims may seem like a quick and easy job, in reality, nail trims can be a hair pulling experience for both the owner and your dog. It all depends on your dog's temperament and your comfort level with the task at hand. The biggest fear for many dog...