Blog: clinic news

Get a Cupcake and Support BC Animals in Need During Treat Week (Feb 24 – Mar 1, 2020)

Van Isle Veterinary Hospital is super excited to be hosting our 4th annual cupcake day fundraiser! BCSPCA celebrates “Treat Week” across the Province from Feb 24th – March 1st 2020 where business, pet owners and animal lovers can bake up a storm and sell treats with the proceeds going to...


Introducing Dr. Christie Lauzon!

We recently welcomed a new member to our Van Isle Veterinary Hospital family, and we are so pleased to introduce Dr. Christie Lauzon. Dr. Lauzon joins us from her most recent time in South Surrey and has moved to the beautiful Island to raise her two children with her husband,...

pet fish

Tracker; Clinic Pet Fish!

Have you ever had that feeling you’re being watched? If you’ve been into the reception area here at Van Isle Veterinary Hospital, then you’ve probably experienced just that!